Look into the Mirror

There’s not an evening,
Red roses never wilt,
All the dead are singing;
Songs of triumph don’t tilt.
Eternally in joy,
All goodness we employ.

We have achieved the peace
And everything is clean.
Near the clear streams and seas,
We forgive all bad kins.
Now that we have gone far,
Won’t think of where we are.

Note: The poem above is in response to the post on the NaPoWriMo website titled, “Day Sixteen.” The optional prompt is to write a ten-line poem in which each line is a lie. Just a tip for understanding the deeper meaning of the poem, think of the opposite of each line (not the extreme opposite, though).


Update (04/17/2014): Yikes! My poem has 12 lines. Here’s the 10-line version.


There’s not an evening,
Red roses never wilt,
All the dead are singing;
Songs of triumph don’t tilt.
All goodness we employ.

We have achieved the peace
And everything is clean.
Near the clear streams and seas,
As we forgive their sins,
Won’t think of where we are.

3 thoughts on “Look into the Mirror

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